The Difference

With Him it was never about a hill or a temple but Spirit and Truth 

Not about the rules or decorum but Heart and Mind

It wasn’t about sounding or appearing right to the world as much as it was about being right with God

Wasn’t about “that’s the way it’s always been done”, rather, “get used to different”

Not about “do you measure up”, rather knowing you don’t measure up .. at all 

He is radical and refreshing

More ancient than time yet always relevant in any age

He loves me in the mess of who I am and what I have done  ... or undone

🚫 Not the state religion which a king established where the human priests gated access to the real High Priest

🚫 Where human religious hierarchy banned translation into common language and burnt those who did at the stake

🚫 Which other kings and queens then used as righteous excuse to colonize the world and loot it

🚫 Which false preachers used to divorce people from their culture and make them appear more like themselves outwardly 

All these don’t know the tenets of Jesus

And Jesus is nothing like what they made of Him for their own power and greed

As sown, they shall reap, in His time

He ..

Broke barriers and bondages, still breaks

Shocked the religious, still does 

Mercy given without Justice compromised 

Equalizer for everyone

Equal wages for all and yet perfectly fair 

First is last, last is first

Upside down Kingdom principles.. 

His Kingdom.. not like any established by humans nor needing any humans to build it

Bar raising logic

Wisdom out of this world 

A Lord and Master who Serves

Who pays your eternal debt

Because He wants you together forever

This is the Jesus I know and love

And I don't call myself a Christian

Nor a religious person

Nor agnostic

Nor skeptic

Nor a leftist or rightist,

I might be an up-ist (who looks up not left or right ..sorry, that’s a poor joke)

I’m not in a box that you know, 

I’m not in any box

I’m a follower of Jesus of Nazareth

Watch The Chosen to see Jesus as His true disciples see Him.  

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