When you are old and alone

when you are ignored
and treated as unwanted
it is good, I say, my soul,
it is good.
For this is how it feels to be old
Come, get some practice.

For when you are old
and alone
who then will come
to ensure that your doors are secure?
No one, my soul, no one
Perhaps the good Lord will send
some kind stranger
whose heart is moved by compassion

For when you are old
and alone
who will call you day and night
to check on you?
No one, my soul, no one
for there are no strong sons
Come, practice being strong
for times ahead such as these
Perhaps the good Lord
will send His angel
to emcamp by your dwelling
Though silent, He will send His care

When you are old
and alone
who will leave their jobs
and fly across the world
to lend you a hand
to move a house, arrange furniture or
oversee hired hands?
No one, my soul, no one
for there are no loving daughters
Perhaps the good Lord will stir the heart
of a kind child who is now grown
and remembers some help you gave them

When you are old
and alone
who will spend their hard earned income
to give you comfort
to travel or for medicine
or pay attention to the little details
that can ease your pain?
No one, my soul, no one
So do not pity
do not cry
do not sigh
The Lord will be your help
even to your old age and to your gray hairs

Give away your wealth
to those that are in dire need
Give away your possessions
to those that have none
Give away, do not hoard
do no collect
For which of these objects
will follow you
when you fly away from
the tent of this body
in a little while?
None, my soul, none of these

Set your heart on treasure
that cannot be stolen
nor destroyed by fire, wind or creature
treasures in jars of clay
whose abode is with the Lord
for then you will be with the Lord most High
with all those that sought Him
all those that desired him
not things of the world
nor the ways and rules of men
you will not be alone, my soul, never alone
Be filled with joy
and rejoice
for God will never leave you nor forsake you.

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