Mourning to dancing

Memories bring a tear
thoughts of dear ones far and near
of simple days of sun and glow
of simple times long, long ago
Is it because it is not so simple anymore?
and just before comparison or sorrow can enter the door,
a song plays in my mind once more:
"there will be a day of no more tears,
no more pains and no more fears."
..And the tear dries up on the cheek
on the lips a smile peaks ..
thinking of the time to come - no lore!
that cannot compare to any time before:
When He will wipe away every tear from their eyes
There will be no more death or mourning,
or pain or crying -  how nice!
For the old order of things will have passed away
and we will be in a place that no eye has seen, no ear has heard
in our Father's house forever and a day!

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