Last week, riding the bus to work, I did what I enjoy most on bus rides - admiring the breath-taking beauty of nature, enjoying the work of the Supreme Artist. Each day the bus route is the same, but the sky, the trees, the sun, the fog and the wind weave themselves into a new pattern and each day my eyes soak up a new display in nature's art gallery. My heart is thrilled, my soul refreshed and the Lord knows how much I love the work of His Hands. It is fall now and it gets quite pretty - reds, browns, golden-orange colors are a new treat to my eyes. As I was engrossed in admiring the new strokes on the world's canvas that morning a wonderful thought began to take shape in my mind. I realized that all artistic inspiration takes its root from God's creation. A painter, a sculptor, a music composer, a poet, a writer, a photographer all create art based on some inspiration that ultimately finds its root in creation. A fall leaf can be painted, sculpted, written about in poem or prose, woven or painted on fabric, etched on glass, can be the inspiration for a melody or simply be a source of delight for an onlooker, a spark of hope for a tired soul. Why I wondered is nature and creation such a source of inspiration, an urge for pro-creation -- because it has the essence of the Creator in it. Because God put His thought, His mind, His creativity into creation is why we are inspired in various ways by it. Because the source is God.
Perhaps God created the vast abundance of nature and its awesome beauty in order to draw our attention to Himself. Perhaps creation was a means to provoke man's curiosity to know the Creator just as fascination with a piece of art creates a fascination and a desire to know the artist.
Corollary: Do I really, truly desire to know who God is? Do you?
"Seek after me and you will find me, if you seek after me with all your heart"
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